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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Increase Your Brain Power

One of the best ways to maximize brain power, increase one’s IQ and go deep into your subconscious where untapped brain waves and energies lie, is through the system called “Brainwave Entertainment”.

Out of all the various methods I have used and practiced with to help increase my IQ, this is definitely the most fun and enjoyable one.

It’s very simple actually. You just have to tune in to a relaxing music with frequency that travels in a similar pattern as that of our brain waves. This way, our brain’s functionality is enhanced. It does sound awesome (it really is!). The sounds are manipulated to act like brainwaves and influence our brain’s frequencies.

As you try different systems, you have to be aware that not all of them will be working for you. I have tried several and of those techniques, I have found some that worked. Below are the systems and techniques I have tried:

Brain Evolution System, Hypnosis, Brain Power Pro, Subliminal CDs and Genius Mindset – These are the ones that really worked for me. Some of them offer a 21-day trial option, so make sure you try it first before you buy. Try this one here!

IMMRAMA – This technique didn’t do anything for me (although it may work well for others).

Brain Sync – This one was also not effective for me (again, it may have better effect on others).
Stimulating the brain through the Brain Evolution System is one of the most powerful and effective methods available today for improving your IQ and brain power. Its effects are directed towards the brain and the results are very similar to a gym exercise: working out gives VERY noticeable results.

After using the Brain Evolution System (the one that finally worked), my thinking became sharper and everything now seems a lot clearer and simpler than before. :) ).

My stress levels went down, I am more relaxed and happy and my well-being greatly improved. I seldom get sick and I just feel excited about life most of the time if not all the time! My moods really changed (so my husband told me…).

For 30 minutes each day, I used it at noon and when I get fatigued. I was astonished and amazed to find out for myself that right after each session, I’d always feel revitalized and rejuvenated. My concentration greatly improved as well as my problem solving abilities. The boost it gave me at noon time was truly an extraordinary bonus for me.

To summarize, I urge you to try the Brainwave Entertainment System. It doesn’t really matter which one, as long as you find it effective and useful, go for it! Using this technique is one of the perfect tools you can get to help enhance your brain power. Plus, it’s also fun!

Don’t forget to register to the Newsletter (fill the form above at the right :) ) and come visit the blog again. :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

5 Easy Steps to Help Ace Your GMAT

Taking the GMAT should be easy and breezy if you prepare well for them. Good for you if you have high IQ and you're really good at reading comprehension and math. But for those like me who did it before and came out with laughable scores, fret not. It is not yet too late to increase your IQ and ace your GMAT. There are many ways you can do to help boost your brain power and help prepare yourself for this much anticipated test. I’ve already shared with you a number of tips before. Here are some more:

Step 1

There are a lot of available GMAT practice tests that you can buy on bookstores or online. Practice on them. This will boost your mental power, refresh your skills and revitalize your memory on long forgotten concepts, formulas and rules. You can gauge where your weaknesses are and what skills you can maximize. Practice tests can also help narrow your focus.

Step 2

GMAT is a computer adaptive test. After you have practiced manually using a basic pen, paper and timer set, try to get reviewers that come with a CD next time. Or if there are available online practice tests, exercise on them! This will place you in a better mindset and let you experience what it's like to take the test especially for first time takers.

Step 3

Google GMAT reviews and read those on Amazon to know which books were bought by most as their review material for GMAT. Typically, the more expensive ones get better review. So be prepared to shell out some money too. At least you are assured that you will get what you paid for and in the process your brain power was increased.

Step 4

Find the time to visit a bookstore and look at GMAT practice test books. Observe the way they are organized by question or level of difficulty. This will give you an idea of how questions will be given on the actual GMAT.

Step 5

It will also be wise to ask your friends and family who have taken the GMAT before. Gather information on what books they read, which review materials they found very useful and helpful, etc. Stick your study schedule and be consistent and diligent.

Check out the other advices and ways I’ve posted here on my blog before. For those who are struggling with their low IQ, it will tremendously be of help if you try hypnosis and brainwave techniques first before you even begin thinking of taking GMAT again. Studying another genius system to help boost your brain power will also increase your IQ the way it did mine and give you that much needed boost when you start reviewing for this exam. You think be able to think more clearly, think faster and solve problems a lot more quickly.

By following these tips I’m giving you, I’m sure you are on your way to acing your GMAT.

For additional comments, suggestions & advices, email me at

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Secret to Increasing Your GMAT Score

I’m sure a lot of people would die before admitting or accepting the fact that they got low GMAT scores thereby hindering them to apply to business schools of their choice. GMAT taking is a serious business. The scores you get here could either make you or break you. It doesn’t matter if you get a perfect 4.0 GPA. If your GMAT scores low, then goodbye to that dream school of yours… for the mean time at least. The next time you take your GMAT, make sure you are well prepared. Increase your IQ now and see your GMAT score soar. So, how can you prepare for GMAT and make sure you get the score you desire? There are a lot of available information online on how to go about it step-by-step. What I’m going to share here is an additional advice which you can use as a tool to help you learn better while preparing for it and to help increase your brain power as you are taking it.

If you are in the process of preparing for GMAT, try incorporating some hypnosis techniques to help boost your IQ. Time and time again, I have proven that the Brain Evolution System aides in sharpening your thinking skills, helping you think positive and feel happier... rockets your IQ... amplifies your levels of energy... and even helps master your emotions which can be a pretty hard thing to do for most people. There’s also another product that I have used and will keep using because it does wonders to my brain capacity! Roadmap to Genius is a step by step system that will INCREASE your intelligence up to genius level.

On the day of your exam, it is of critical importance to have had a good night’s rest, to feel refreshed, awake and rejuvenated. Do a bit of exercise in the morning and eat a well balanced breakfast. This will give your brain enough nutrients, oxygen and energy and will boost your memory recall and brain power as you ace that test.

Adapt these simple strategies and notice your IQ increase! I’m sure you’ll be on your way to being admitted to that dream school of yours in no time! Maybe you have tried these things before. Also, sign up and register to the Newsletter (fill the form above at the right) and email me for any suggestions and comments you may have at

Friday, August 21, 2009

How Can You Realize Your Brain Power

If you want to realize the potential of your brain power, you must be able to control your subconscious mind. We can do this by changing the things we focus on. This is because our thoughts have a direct effect on the way our subconscious mind works. I’m sure this piece of information is new to you. Many believe that it is impossible to train the subconscious mind. However, if you know the right techniques, you will be able to improve your brain power and raise your IQ in the process.

You must be able to try working with several techniques to see what will work to your individual needs in order to find the particular technique that will help you best. One way to do this is to rethink then reapply your theories and assumptions about a specific situation. The outcome may be the same but you will have gained a more positive outlook about the situation. Try to take into consideration the data that is available to you. By doing so, you will train your mind to determine the circumstances rather than jump straight to conclusions.

We all know that being able to laugh is the best kind of medicine there ever is. It prevents stress and frees the mind of unnecessary worries. Plus it gives the brain its much needed oxygen thereby revitalizing it and giving it more power. Therefore, learn how to laugh. In order for you to realize the full potential of your mind, you have to be able to recognize not just your own successes but your own mistakes as well.

Furthermore, lessen TV watching. Researches do show evidence that watching TV decreases your brain power. There is nothing your brain can work with except to just accept the images in the tube. This slows down your brain and has the opposite effect of any physical activity. Or if you really can’t avoid it, exercise while watching TV. Choose the program to watch, one that will allow your mind to work instead of just letting it sit idly.

It would be best though if you do more games, quizzes and puzzles on your free time. Choose levels that expand your current capabilities. You can also start learning a new language or a new skill like driving a car if you still don’t know how. Not only will you exercise your brain power, but you will also feel a great sense of achievement after having done so.

These are just some advices I have for you to help broaden your mind and increase your brain power. Many people have also subscribed to the effective techniques of the Brainwave System, Hypnosis and Genius Mindset. I'd say give these techniques a try and see for yourself the wonderful effects they can bring to your brain power.In the end, whichever you choose, just remember to also make it fun. Practice any of the exercises at least once a day, every day. Anything that is worth doing always involves time and practice so keep at it. Gradual changes will surely emerge. I am sure, you will be amazed at the progress you will attain over time.

For more practical ways in increasing your brain power, do check out my other posts. You may also email me at for any questions and suggestions you may have.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

5 Notes on Acing Your GMAT

If you want to get into a good business school of your choice, better ace your GMAT or the Graduate Management Admissions Test. This is a requirement of most, if not all, business schools. The scoring of the multiple choice part is on a scale of 200 to 800 while the essay part is scored on a scale of 0 to 6. A score of at least 650 is required by top business schools and by doing well on the math portion, you will be able to boost your overall GMAT score. Of course it helps that you have high IQ. But if in case you know that your IQ is of the average range, there are ways and techniques you can engage in that will help boost your IQ and increase your brain power. This will make the GMAT experience a lot easier to face and you will be surely on your way to acing it.

Note 1
It is important to have an understanding of how the test is structured. There are 37 multiple choice questions for math and they must be completed in 75 minutes. Since GMAT is given via computer adaptive format, you must answer the questions in the order that they will be given to you. There will be no going back to previous questions. The more correct answers you get, the more challenging the next set of questions will be, which is good because they will help give you high scores.

Note 2
The 37 multiple choice questions consist of 22 problem solving questions and the remaining 15 pertain to data sufficiency questions. In terms of subjects, expect around 10 ratio, 10 algebra, 8 number, 4 geometry, 3 miscellaneous and 2 set theory questions.

Note 3
You must be very knowledgeable in math, formulas and calculations because no calculators will be allowed inside. You must be able to do quick multiplication and division formulas on paper. You must also have exceptional skills in charts and graphs.

Note 4
Typically, you must be able to answer each question in 2 minutes. It is important to pace yourself properly during the exam. This will prevent you from cramming on other more challenging questions. If you are falling far behind, you may guess wisely on problems that you are usually having trouble with and do your best on those that you find easy.

Note 5
You will get a lower score if you leave any questions blank. Better answer them incorrectly than leave them blank. But of course, if you can’t answer them correctly, guess wisely.

I hope you find these advices helpful. You will find it more valuable if you’ve already taken steps to increase your IQ the way I did before. I took hypnosis, did the brain evolution system and studied how to be a genius. I actually owe my GMAT score to them. Try them as well! Many people have already done so and it also helped them ace their GMAT. For ane comments, advice or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to email me at

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

3 Clues to Maximize Your Brain Power

Many of us are aware of the fact that we only use a small percentage of our brain, 10% to be precise. Could you imagine the kind of world we could have if we would all be able to use our brain power to its maximum potential? We could all become Einsteins and make this world a truly better place to live in.

Unfortunately, that belief is quite a myth. It is a fact that we do use our brain 100% of the time. Because even if you take out a mere 2% of it, you could wind up being a vegetable or retard. It’s the ‘how well we use it’ part that is the missing link.

So, how well are you using your brain? Do you at least try to maximize your full brain potential? Or are you just letting it sit idly on top of your head? How do you even begin to maximize your brain power?
There are three crucial keys that will dictate how well you are using your brain power.

1. Pay attention

When you pay attention, you are present at the moment. Your mind is not wandering elsewhere. You are here, now, inside this room at this very moment. You see, hear, feel, taste what is here in front of you at present time.

If you know that you are poor at this, try taking a stroll outside. Once you’re there, take notice of everything around you. Describe the things you hear feel and see.

2. Really Listen

This next key is what you should do next after you pay attention especially when you’re paying attention to someone who is talking. This will force you to really listen, understand what’s being said and should you have queries and other debatable matters you want to delve into, then you may well ask the other person. This will not only help you pay real attention, but it wil also make the other person feel important because they are really listened to. Wouldn’t it be great if they do the same thing to you?

3. Be selfless

We love talking and thinking about ourselves all the time. We all have the “me, myself and I” syndrome and we can’t seem to stop it. We do it automatically that we are not aware of this behavior of ours most f the time. By always thinking about ourselves, we are limiting the things our mind can do and think of. Why not try to think about other things and collaborate with other people’s ideas for a change? By doing so, we get more ideas, we learn new things and we to use our full mental capacity.

Practice these things. They will help maximize your brain power and realize your brain’s full potential. For best results, do the Brain Evolution System. It has tremendously helped me in my concentration and even helped boost my IQ. Many have tried it and said the same things too. For any queries, do email me at

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

5 Steps in Acing Math in GMAT

We already know that GMAT or Graduate Management Admissions Test is a standardized test that is a major requirement by most business schools. It is administered via a computer adaptive format and math is a huge part of it. Of all the math questions, a third of them deal with geometry. So on this post, I will share with you where to focus your energies when you review your math materials. Don’t fret if your IQ is low. There are steps you can do in order to increase your IQ. Based on my own experience, it’s better to do the GMAT once you’ve done a couple of techniques to help boost your IQ. Many people have already given their positive feedback on these techniques. It's time for you to choose which one you'd like to try first. These techniques are those that involve hypnosis, brain evolution system and study of the genius. Otherwise, you might just be wasting your time no matter how hard you try to review for it.

Step 1

Study about polygons. Make sure you still remember that all angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees. And that all angles in a quadrilateral (4-sided shape) add up to 360 degrees. This will help you breakdown a figure with many sides. It will make the problem a lot easier to tackle. Also, review these two words: trapezoid and isosceles.

Step 2

Read and study everything you can about circles and how crucial its radius is. Most problems of this nature will definitely stem from its radius. Here are a couple of notes to remember: the area of a circle is the radius squared times pi, or (pi)r²; the circumference is 2 times the radius times pi, or 2(pi)r; and the diameter is 2 times the radius, or 2r; pi is 3.14. It is also important to review these terms: tangent line and arc length.

Step 3

Do you still remember your triangles? Make sure to do your review on it. A right triangle is that which has an angle of 90 degrees in one of its corners. Imagine a rectangle being cut in half. You get to have two right triangles there. Another one is an isosceles triangle? Do you still remember what this is? Imagine a square. When you cut it in half, you get two isosceles triangles because two sides of the triangle have equal length. Words to review: hypotenuse and Pythagorean Theorem.

Step 4

Make sure to memorize these formulas: The area of a triangle is 1/2 times the base times the height. The volume of a box is length times height times width.

Step 5

It’s okay not to review sine and cosine. This is not very crucial in the test. Hurray!

I hope these advices have been helpful. Check out the other post I did on acing GMAT as well. Drop me a line or two for any questions, comments, advices or suggestions at

Monday, August 17, 2009

How to Unlock Your Brain Potential

Everybody would love to know what the secret is to unlocking brain potential. Who wouldn’t want to be smart? Many great thinkers know that the key to unlocking the potential of the mind lies in the subconscious realm. Let’s take the story of the inventor of the sewing machine, Isaac Singer, for instance. One day, in his dream, he saw himself putting the eye of the needle near the point. This prevented his invention from going to the mountain of scraps. His dream shows that the subconscious mind is still working even when one is deep in slumber. And now, look at how his invention ha contributed to our culture and economy. Where would we be without Singer?

Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, and Einstein, the proponent of the theory of relativity, both agree about the power of the subconscious mind. They both know that it indeed unlocks a lot of brain power and shouldn’t be disregarded. Even if you are no Einstein or Edison, now that you also know this think, then you can start applying it in your life.

One way to do this is to practice the Brain Evolution System even for just 30 minutes for the next 2 months. Just listen to the sound of the brain waves and let your subconscious mind do the rest of the work. In two months time, you would’ve unlocked your brain power and increased your IQ.

Just think of the possibilities it can bring you. You will be able to get that much awaited promotion and higher salary in your office; or you can now go find the job of your dream; or you may start working on your new business. You could enroll for college and get that degree you’ve been dreaming of; you can ace your GMAT and get admitted into the business school of your choice; you can even be admitted to MENSA!

So, do you want to be able to maximize your brain power and experience the quality of life you’ve always wanted? Let the Brain Evolution System help you out. Do read up on my other blog posts as well for more practical tips on how to increase your IQ and gain more brain power.
For further inquiries, do email me at

Friday, August 14, 2009

Do You Want To Know about MENSA?

Mensa, first organized in 1946, is a very exclusive membership organization for those whose IQs belong to the top 2% of the population. This group is the oldest organization for high IQ-scorers in the world. This organization has both international and local chapters. This is why their members also come from all over the world, from all walks of life. They foster learning and programs for the gifted ones and also form special interest groups in the pursuit of studying very important issues. The only requirement is that you have to belong to the top 2% of the test takers by having a high IQ.

The founding fathers of Mensa were Roland Berrill , an Australian barrister and a British lawyer and scientist, Dr. Lancelot War. Their vision was to create a group based solely on testable intelligence, with no other political, social, economic or racial requirements to join. Their main goal was to encourage social networking and exchange between like-minded and smartest people on the planet. This would become the world’s think tank of geniuses so to speak, a group of people with the highest IQs in the world.

Naturally, admission to Mensa I based on IQ test scores. It is limited to those who belong to the top 2 percent of the population or are in the 98 percentile of chosen standardized tests such as the Stanford-Binet and Cattel tests. At present, there are already 100,000 members all over the world, mostly located in United Kingdom and the United States.

Benefits given to Mensa members vary by nation. Some even offer insurance coverage and credit card plans. Most however, do give out monthly or quarterly newsletters and hold chapter meetings to talk about general business plans and organize special interest groups. They make sure thay they remain politically neutral and remains to be supportive of various educational efforts.

Though a lot of critics point that that Mensa is overly exclusive, putting a lot of weight on standardized testing as the only true measure of intelligence, the truth really is that most IQ tests that rely on logic and reasoning abilities are just the easiest to quantify. Emotional intelligence and artistic intelligence are quite hard to score after all.

Mensa has attracted quite a number of famous thinkers. We have architect Buckminster Fuller and author Isaac Asimov who served terms as president and vice-president of Mensa International. We also have Scott Adams, creator of the cartoon strip Dilbert, a former Playboy Playmate of the month and noted actor James Woods.

The next Mensan could be you. By preparing well for the exam, increasing your IQ with the techniques I’ve shared with you before, eating and resting right, membership to this exclusive organization is not far from becoming a reality. Many people have also subscribed to the effective techniques of the Brainwave System, Hypnosis and Genius Intelligence. I'd say give these techniques a try and see for yourself the wonderful effects they can bring to your brain power.

For more information and questions, you may email me at

Thursday, August 13, 2009

3 Ways to Dramatically Increase Your Concentration

We live in a world where multitasking is the name of the game. We do so many things all at the same time and we wonder how come our performance is not at par to the standards we have set for ourselves. For once, it would be good if we can just try to focus and be able to give our full attention to one task and get the results we really want --- great, fantastic, best results. We can actually do that if we know how to maximize our brain power, improve our brain power, improve our concentration and increase our IQ in the process.

Let me share with you some practical ways on how you can improve on your concentration and boost your brain power.

1) Music Therapy

I’m not really the type to listen to music. But when I started getting curious on how I can increase my IQ, I bought a CD of Mozart and started listening to his music. It felt weird at first since it’s not really my kind of thing. I’m more into ballads and country music. However, little changes started to happen. I began to feel a lot better about myself, I can now think clearly and if before I couldn’t focus on one thing, I now notice time fly by as I do one thing with honest concentration and focus. It was amazing!

I later found out that this kind of therapy has worked in a lot of extreme cases. There was even evidence in some studies I’ve read that listening to Mozart has helped decrease the number of seizures in epileptic patients. This is probably because Mozart’s music helps calm nerves and relax the mind. Furthermore, Dr. Alfred Tomatis, a French researcher, said in his studies that Mozart’s music promotes healing and brain development. The varying frequencies of his music exercises the neurons and connections in our brain and I totally agree.

2) Let’s Get Mental

Get involved in mind stimulating activities. Exercise those brain cells by solving puzzles and games. Read books, watch less TV, visualize your dreams, meditate. Learn new skills, language or get into a new hobby. This way, your brain develops new dendrites and fires new electrical impulses. This way, your brain does not stagnate and will keep developing to its full potential.

3) Meditate

I’ve mentioned meditation. Try to do Yoga for example. It’s not only good for the body but great for your brain too. By practicing to focus only on your breathing a few times everyday, you are teaching your brain to learn how to focus on just one thing. By doing so, when asked to focus on something at work, it will automatically to you and you will be able to deliver great results for your office and your company.

For best results, do the Brain Evolution System. It has tremendously helped me in my concentration and even helped boost my IQ. It did wonder for me, far beyond what Mozart’s music did to my levels of concentration and awareness. Many of its users say the same thing about it too. For any queries, don’t hesitate to email me at

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Secret to Joining MENSA

Not many organizations offer exclusive membership as that of MENSA. It doesn’t matter whether you are moneyed or poor, famous or not. Even if you’re Oprah or the US President, if your IQ doesn’t belong to the top 2% of the population, then goodbye to your dream of becoming one of MENSA’s very exclusive and special members. Because of this rule, Mensa has a large variety when it comes to its members. The age range is so huge and its members come from all walks of life from all over the world. I even read that recently, a two year old just became a member of this very prestigious organization. So now you ask, what can you do to become a member too? Do you have to have superior IQ? Do you have to increase your IQ? What steps do you need to take in order to belong to that much coveted 2% of the population?

It must be noted that there is no single test required to become a Mensan. This is because Mensa accepts results from a wide range of IQ tests as long as these results are certified and legitimate. You can then submit these certified results to Mensa so they can verify it. They also accept test scores on widely given tests such as The Miller Analogies, Stanford-Binet and the GMAT. The latter is actually why I became a member. I aced my GMAT and therefore I eventually got accepted to Mensa. Read up on my posts on how you can ace your GMAT. This way, it’s like hitting two birds with one stone! The American Mensa website was very particular when they said that one in fifty people do qualify for membership. Just try especially if you’ve done very well in any standardized test. Who knows, you might have been qualified all along.

For those who weren’t lucky enough to be included in the top 2% of the population’s IQ, there’s still a chance for you. Remember, I used to be that person too. My GMAT score was so tragic before and Mensa was only entertained in my wildest dreams. But now, after several hypnosis sessions in a span of two-three months, after getting involved in the brain evolution system, after studying the way to be a genius, I am already at a place where having a high IQ is the norm for me, I was able to ace my GMAT and even got accepted in Mensa. My future has never been this bright and opportunities have started sprouting everywhere. I am proof that it is never too late to want to increase one’s IQ. Like any achievement, it entails work, dedication and commitment. But once you start increasing your IQ, becoming a Mensan is not too far behind.

So may I suggest that once you have increased your IQ through the various techniques I’ve shared with you, you can ask to be tested by Mensa for membership. For those who would like to first test the waters, Mensa can administer a timed, computer-based practice test called the “Mensa Workout”. You can do this from your home where you will be mostly at ease. Though it’s not a certified test and scores here can’t be used for your admission, at least you will be able to see for yourself if you are indeed ready for Mensa. Well, if you do as I told you, like do those techniques to help increase your IQ, I know you will be able to ace this one and soon enough, be the next member of Mensa’s very exclusive club.

After your test is graded and you did score well, you will then be invited to take the real proctored Mensa test. They test those who are over 14 years of age since testing the intelligence of younger children is unreliable at best. But if you believe your child is qualified to be a member of Mensa, a licensed psychologist will administer childhood cognitive ability tests in the school setting. Adults however may contact their local Mensa chapter to schedule testing with a volunteer proctor. Once you’re admitted, you just have to pay your annual dues to maintain your exclusive membership status.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Three Reminders To Ace Your GMAT

I told you on my first post that I did ace my GMAT. Now, I’m going to share with you some more information on how exactly that happened. I’m telling you, all the hypnosis, brainwave system and other steps I took did their job well in increasing my IQ. If I were you, go grab the opportunity now to enhance your brain power by doing them too. It never is too late to want to be smarter and have better IQ.

Going back to my story, I was still a bit nervous the day before I took the exam. You all know how laughable my GMAT score before was. I couldn’t even find a job after recession. But remembering the hard work I’ve put since then and all those techniques I did to increase my IQ, I started calming down. The day of the GMAT exam went by like a breeze and true enough, I was able to ace it!

So aside from doing hypnosis, doing the brain evolution system and studying the Roadmap to Genius, the following are the additional steps I took in preparation for GMAT:

Books to Read
I wasn’t good at math before and I used to hate seeing numbers. Just to make sure that this is no longer the case, I went through Forgotten Algebra for three months as a refresher course which I studied on my own time. I was amazed at how quickly I managed to solve the problems and I was surprised that numbers no longer intimidated me. That was a pretty good sign that indeed, my IQ was increasing!

I also got the book Kaplan 800. This book made the quantitative part of the test a lot easier to handle. I also got a general GMAT preparation book. I wrote down the most important notes, principles, rules and concepts on pieces of paper. If you have flashcards, better. It also aided my verbal language skills particularly when it comes to sentence completion, argument analysis which could be hard for most and reading comprehension which is on the easier side of things. I reviewed for about 2 hours a night as compared to others who did it for 4 hours a night. The last few days before the exam, I was just relaxing and making sure that I eat right. After all, it is important to relax the brain and not overtax it so that it may perform exceptionally well on the test day itself.

Take Classes
Not that I had to but I know many exam takers who attended a Kaplan or Princeton Review Class. I heard many good reviews about them especially for those who had a hard time when they took GMAT the first few times before. I do believe though that if you follow the other techniques I did, you won’t have to take classes.

Things to Remember
GMAT is an adaptive kind of test. As you do well, the harder the next questions will be and the higher score you’ll get. So be sure that you get many answers correct on the first few questions. Otherwise, you might get stuck with the easy questions and get a low score. Do everything you can to help increase your IQ. Try hypnosis, brainwave techniques and the Roadmap to Genius. Many people have used these techniques and they worked well for them. I tried them too and I've never been this good at anything before. Make sure you also ingest the right kinds of food and have enough sleep. There’s nothing better than a well rested mind and relaxed body.

By the way, sign up and register to the Newsletter (fill the form above at the right) and email me for any suggestions and comments you may have at

Friday, August 7, 2009

How Can You Improve Your Learning?

I have described to you before the things you can do and the food you can eat in order to make sure that your brain has a steady supply of energy. With this steady supply of energy, you can maximize your brain power, increase your IQ, enhance your concentration, and improve your overall learning ability.

Did you know that the information you learn on a day-to-day basis is stored somewhere in your brain via three steps?

1. Ultra short –term memory

Here, the information you acquire only stays for about 20 seconds. They can be the things we see all around us, the impressions we have of them, things we hear in passing, scents we smell, etc. They are those things/data that are of not much importance to us and most of the time, we are not even aware of them. Of these things, should we need to remember them, we can acquire 3-5 of them simultaneously. The rest we forget very, very quickly. Otherwise, we would be overloaded with too much information that we don’t really need.

2. Short-term memory

Those impressions that are important, for the time being at least, we automatically move them to our short-term memory. For instance, we met someone for the first time and we’d like to remember his/her name so we know how to address him/her properly. We move this information to our short-term memory the moment we try to memorize the name in our heads. This signals our brain that this piece of information is important, thus, it automatically moves the information from the ultra short-term bank to the short-term memory bank. There are about seven to nine chunks of memory pieces that we can store in this bank at a particular time. As more and more pieces are stored, the older pieces are either bumped to forgetfulness or moved to the long-term memory bank if accessed more often.

3. Long-term

Those pieces of information that are regularly accessed are then taken to the long-term memory bank. This happens when there is repetition of memorization and repetition of use. Information stored here stays longer because the synapses between neurons have been made stronger by the constant access to the information.

However, there is still a chance of forgetting something that has already been stored in the long-term memory bank. This means that the access to the stored information has been lost. When we increase our concentration, forgetfulness can be prevented. But how do we increase our levels concentration? This is where hypnosis and brainwave stimulation can be helpful. These things can help increase your IQ and maximize your brain power by ordering your brain synapses to make more connections. With better and more connections in your brain, the easier it is for you to access information at will. Try hypnosis and brainwave stimulation now. Many people have already used these techniques and have given very good feedback about the effects on their mental health and general well being. They will definitely help with your learning ability, increase your IQ, enhance your concentration and improve your overall learning.

Do check out the other secrets and ways on how you can increase your brain power and boost your IQ. It never is too late to want to be smarter. They worked so well for me and continue to do so. In the meantime, sign up don’t forget to register to the Newsletter (fill the form above at the right :) and email me for any suggestions and comments you may have at

Thursday, August 6, 2009

How Can Brainwave Entrainment Boost Your Brain Power? (Part II)

In my previous post, I started sharing with you what Brainwave Entrainment is all about. Basically, it is a technique people use to help increase their IQ and boost their overall brain power. Below, you will see more benefits as well as some contraindications so you will know how and when to use it.

Brainwave Entrainment System, though this is just like listening to your favorite music CD, is absolutely different. You can’t do this while driving or while doing other things. You can multitask as soon as you are done and you will notice how fast you will work and how quickly you will think. But don’t do it while listening to the Brainwave Entrainment System, ok? It must be done in a quiet, peaceful setting like inside your bedroom before going to sleep so you can wake up smarter, refreshed, rejuvenated and more active than ever.

In terms of side effects, you may experience headaches because for the first time, your brain is getting so much blood flow. You may also experience more lucid dreams. This is just an indication that your brain is getting all fired up and your brain power is getting boosted.

Like I described earlier, in Brainwave Entrainment, the frequency of the stimuli being absorbed by the brain is automatically followed. It is a technology that incorporates subtle beats and pulsations into the music. When you listen to these pulses, your brain starts to alter your mental state. If before you feel drained, now you will feel relaxed or motivated. For instance, for those who are feeling panicky or anxious, it means you are producing too many beta waves which are bad for your mental health and general well being. When you listen to brainwaves, it will help your brain produce more alpha waves instead which is why you will start feeling better, a first sign that the system is working for you.

For those who always have difficulty focusing, causing you to fail at classes and at tasks you do, this means that your brain has been producing a particular pattern all these years. Brainwave Entrainment can change that. What it will do is speed up your brainwaves so that it’s easier to concentrate. Faster neural connections in the brain will prevent one from losing his/her train of thought. Continuously listening to the audio CD will make your left brain dominate your entire brain in order to increase your concentration, boost your mental power, prolong your memory and increase your IQ. This in turn reduces your emotional responses, therefore eliminating your mood swings too. Isn’t it hard to accomplish something when you feel emotional all the time? When you always feel like quitting and running away from everything? I know it’s hard. I’ve been there. And I thank the heavens everyday I’m over that phase of my life now.

Anybody who wants to make concrete changes in their life can use the brainwave technique. Anyone who wants to become smarter, feel more relaxed, boost their brain power, increase their IQ now has a chance to do so. It does not only do these things but it also cures insomnia, panic & anxiety attacks, over fatigue, chronic migraines and tension.

Now you have all the basic information you need to make that decision to make a difference in the quality of your life. It’s not yet too late to become smarter and live a better life. You know you’ve always wanted to just like I did. Here's the link. Check it out now and increase your IQ in no time.

For more questions and clarifications, email me at

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How Can Brainwave Entrainment Boost Your Brain Power? (Part I)

I have mentioned a couple of times on this blog a certain technique that helps increase your IQ and boost your brain power. On this particular post, I will discuss what this technique is and why has it been very popular among many and have been receiving fantastic reviews from its users (including myself). This technique is Brainwave Entrainment and I will be sharing with you what this is all about. I will also discuss the benefits you will get once you start listening to it. Read carefully as this will aide you in boosting your brain power and increasing your IQ. You do want to be smarter right? You do want to ace those tests you’ve been taking in school and get promoted in that job you’ve been eying for so long. You do want a better quality of life, right? Read on…

It’s been a little over 70 years since Brainwave Entrainment has been first put to study. Brainwave Entrainment is all about the electrical responses the brain makes as a response to the rhythmic sensory stimulation, such as pulsation or vibration of light or sound. It’s been used since time immemorial and people don’t even realize this. Notice how calm you feel when you watch a sunrise or sunset? How about when go out for a walk along the beach? How does the sound of the waves affect you? Here in the city, when you go out and party, attend a concert or listen to upbeat music, or perhaps, listen to a Michael Jackson song, how does it make you feel? Even the simple watching of TV is brainwave entrainment in action.

As our brain gets stimulated, either through our eyes, ears or any of the other senses, it tends to emit electrical charges as a response to the stimuli. What you eventually see and hear are those electrical responses that traveled all throughout your brain. These rhythmic stimuli, like the sounds and images being presented to the brain, were the representations of these rhythms. As the rhythms get consistent, it will eventually resemble the natural internal rhythms of the brain or what we call brainwaves. As soon as this happens, our own brain’s electric cycles get synchronized in similar rhythm.

You might be wondering if this kind of mind practice is safe? It definitely is. Brainwaves always get activated no matter what you do. It’s just a matter of channeling these waves properly so you can maximize its full potential. Take for example the recent loss we had in the musical entrertainment industry. The King of Pop just died and all we hear everywhere is his music. Fans all over the world are mourning and listening to his music and watching his videos all the time. By doing so, they are entertaining their brains in some way, perhaps, both in happy and sad ways. Brainwave Entrainment works in a similar manner except that results are more focused and not just for sheer pleasure or enjoyment. However, if you have experienced any serious illness that has got to do with your brainwaves such us seizures, epilepsy, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and any other brain sickness, consult with your physician first before using the Brainwave Entrainment System.

Now, for those who are in the clear of using this system in order to increase your IQ and boost your brain power, you only have to listen to the CD on a regular basis, say, 30 minutes every day for at least two months.

If you want to know how long before the system will take effect, it will actually depend on how receptive you are, how long and how consistently you listen to the CD. But, just like me, it is possible to notice some changes as soon as your first session is over. Concrete positive changes will start showing after about two weeks of continuous listening. What happens is, the more you listen to the brainwave recordings, the faster your brain adapts to it and the easier your brain produces the frequencies in the recordings on its own. It’s like having a last song syndrome of your favorite song or a song you’ve just heard but couldn’t seem to get it out of your mind. Only this time, the effects are more lasting and scientific.

I will continue sharing the benefits and some contraindications about it on my next post. For now, check out the Brainwave site and ponder upon it. Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me at

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Five Steps to Ace Your GMAT

If you want to get into that dream business school for your MBA, you’d have to be able to ace your GMAT first. GMAT, without a doubt, is a very difficult and time-consuming facet of the MBA application process. In order to lessen its difficulty and to be able to use your time wisely while confidently scoring 700+ on your test day, follow these simple steps:

1. Create a Timeline
Plot a three-month schedule of how you will prepare yourself physically, mentally and intellectually for the much awaited test day. Always learn from your mistakes and make your timeline as organized as possible.

2. Do Practice Tests
As the saying goes, “practice makes perfect” so practice away.

3. Track Your Errors
When you do your practice tests, label those entries that you find hard to answer, where you are slow in answering and those that you find easy. This will pinpoint your weaknesses and be able to practice more on them. This could potentially improve your score by 40 points.

4. Organize Your Studies
Follow this order when studying:

Kaplan Premier, Manhattan GMAT, or Princeton Review Study Guides

The layout of the GMAT is explained in these books including the kinds of questions that you will be tackling in each section as well as the general strategies you can use to ace the test. Once you’re done with these books, you may move on to the official GMAT study guides since they include questions from actual GMAT tests.

By this time, you are already aware of your weak spots. Use these guides to narrow down your strengths and weaknesses. Of course your weaknesses will require the most work from you. Use the tracking errors you’ve made so you would know where to spend most of your time studying and perfecting your answers.

5. Do Serious Practice Tests
Practice answering tests under real testing conditions. Try to work on 20-40 problems in each category of the GMAT every week and then, on the weekend, take one timed test under real testing conditions. That is, give yourself 3 hours to take an uninterrupted Computer-Adaptive Test (CAT) with one fifteen minute break following the exact structure of the GMAT.

Aside from doing practice tests, having better IQ also helps to get a great GMAT score. Take a look at this opportunity, people gave a really good feedback about it.

Doing these simple steps will help boost your learning in time for the real GMAT test. Do them seriously and religiously. Soon, you’ll be on your way to getting that dream MBA school of yours.