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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

5 Steps in Acing Math in GMAT

We already know that GMAT or Graduate Management Admissions Test is a standardized test that is a major requirement by most business schools. It is administered via a computer adaptive format and math is a huge part of it. Of all the math questions, a third of them deal with geometry. So on this post, I will share with you where to focus your energies when you review your math materials. Don’t fret if your IQ is low. There are steps you can do in order to increase your IQ. Based on my own experience, it’s better to do the GMAT once you’ve done a couple of techniques to help boost your IQ. Many people have already given their positive feedback on these techniques. It's time for you to choose which one you'd like to try first. These techniques are those that involve hypnosis, brain evolution system and study of the genius. Otherwise, you might just be wasting your time no matter how hard you try to review for it.

Step 1

Study about polygons. Make sure you still remember that all angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees. And that all angles in a quadrilateral (4-sided shape) add up to 360 degrees. This will help you breakdown a figure with many sides. It will make the problem a lot easier to tackle. Also, review these two words: trapezoid and isosceles.

Step 2

Read and study everything you can about circles and how crucial its radius is. Most problems of this nature will definitely stem from its radius. Here are a couple of notes to remember: the area of a circle is the radius squared times pi, or (pi)r²; the circumference is 2 times the radius times pi, or 2(pi)r; and the diameter is 2 times the radius, or 2r; pi is 3.14. It is also important to review these terms: tangent line and arc length.

Step 3

Do you still remember your triangles? Make sure to do your review on it. A right triangle is that which has an angle of 90 degrees in one of its corners. Imagine a rectangle being cut in half. You get to have two right triangles there. Another one is an isosceles triangle? Do you still remember what this is? Imagine a square. When you cut it in half, you get two isosceles triangles because two sides of the triangle have equal length. Words to review: hypotenuse and Pythagorean Theorem.

Step 4

Make sure to memorize these formulas: The area of a triangle is 1/2 times the base times the height. The volume of a box is length times height times width.

Step 5

It’s okay not to review sine and cosine. This is not very crucial in the test. Hurray!

I hope these advices have been helpful. Check out the other post I did on acing GMAT as well. Drop me a line or two for any questions, comments, advices or suggestions at

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